Captain N DOOM

This game was a joint-effort between me and Nicholas Pinto in 1997. The story for the game takes place between Parts 3 and 4 of my fanfics, the "CHANGES" miniseries. Basically, Mike and Kevin are arguing over who's the real Game Master. What else? Mike challenges Kevin to go through a video world (DOOM) to prove he's the best. Kevin accepts. Thus, the game begins.

Get it! And, while you're waiting for it to download, read the text file! I'll write a novelization of this game eventually!

ah.wav - Kevin, Mega Trouble for Megaland
allright.wav - Kevin, The Big Game
clutch.wav - Julius, Rick; The Big Game
cutitout.wav - Kevin, Kevin in Videoland
danger.wav - Gameboy, The Trouble with Tetris
duke.wav - Duke, Metroid Sweet Metroid
gameover.wav - Kevin, Mega Trouble for Megaland
grave.wav - Mike, The Most Dangerous Game Master
later.wav - Romeo, The Big Game
laugh.wav - Julius, The Big Game
lookout.wav - Lana, Kevin in Videoland
losers.wav - Simon, The Big Game
miklaugh.wav - Mike, The Most Dangerous Game Master
notbad.wav - Simon, The Trojan Dragon
nukehim.wav - Kevin, Mega Trouble for Megaland
ohno.wav - Simon, The Trojan Dragon
punch.wav - me, sound effect
rad.wav - Stacey, The Big Game
ready.wav - Kevin, Kevin in Videoland
rick.wav - Rick, The Big Game
smoked.wav - Kevin, Mega Trouble for Megaland
terrific.wav - Kid Icarus, The Trojan Dragon
toast.wav - Kevin, Kevin in Videoland
toocool.wav - Kevin, Kevin in Videoland
trouble.wav - Mega Man, The Big Game
uh.wav - Kevin, Mega Trouble for Megaland
waiting.wav - Stacey, The Big Game
warp.wav - sound effect, A Tale of Two Dogs
whoa.wav - Kevin, Kevin in Videoland
wowdude.wav - Mega Man, The Big Game

sounds.txt - the original sounds list

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