The Game Master Novelization of the movie from Diamond Animation Original screenplay written by: Scott Davis and Jeremy Hillard Novelization by: Chris Blair The Game World, a universe that defies all laws of our dimension. It is a mysterious dimension, one that has gone unnoticed for thousands of years by Reality. Now, thanks to the Great Warp, one young man is about to discover, that his dreams are going to come true. (Original "GAME MASTER" movie intro dialogue) Wave after wave of attackers struck the Palace of Power, the home of the Game World's royal family. Gannon's armies were on their final approach to the Palace, and the war was going bad for Princess Lana. "Why? Of all times, now." Lana remarked. She turned around to see Dr. Light looking at her. "Dr. Light, isn't there something you and Megaman can do?" Dr. Light shook his head. "I'm Sorry Princess Lana, but with Wily attacking MegaWorld, there's not much I can do." Lana sighed as she looked at the attacking forces. "How much longer until they break through the defenses?" "About an hour." Dr. Light replied. Lana turn to a computer counsel, and sighed. "I've got no other choice." She pressed a button, and a microphone slid up out of the counsel. "Attention. This is Princess Lana. I know that you're own worlds must be as under attack as my own, but if Gannon gains control of the Palace of Power, then the other worlds will soon follow. "It is for this reason that I am calling you to help me. Megaman and Protoman from MegaWorld. You are the two most powerful robots in the Game World, and you fight Dr. Wily's forces. Gannon has control of Wily, and to stop Gannon is to stop Wily as well. "Pit from Angel Land. You are aware that Medusa serves Gannon, and that to stop one means a loss for the other. To help me in this hour is to defeeat both evils. "Simon Belmount, of CastleVania. Your family has fought the evil Dracula for centruies, and Gannon is Dracula's master. I beg you to help stop Gannon, and end their terror. "And of course, Link and Zelda from Hyrule. Gannon is from your world, and to stop him and the entire League of Darkness is to save all of the Game World. "Please, all of you, we need help." Lana was surprised to hear several warps open up simutaniously, and she and Dr. Light turned to watch the very people she had just called for walk out of the warps. "You called, Princess?" Protoman commented. Megaman smiled at his brother. "Me Lady, my service, is yers." Simon Belmount remarked, dropping to his knees before Lana, his thick scottish accent curling his words. Link and Zelda looked at Lana. "Anytime, anywhere." Link remarked, obviously refering to Gannon. Zelda nodded. "If we can stop him, the whole League collapses." The princess added in her soft voice. Lana smiled at her friends. "Thank you all for comin...." She was cut off as the Palace shook, and Gannon's face appeared in the room. "Well, well, if it isn't Princess Lala! I'll give you one last chance to hand over the rule of the Game World to me, and the Great Warp!" "Never!" Lana replied. "We'll never give you the Warp!" She quickly activated a computer, and Gannon's image vanished. "What are we going to do?" Megaman asked. The room suddenly filled with light, and a giant fist appeared. "Never despair, for the Ancient Prophecy still has yet to be fulfilled." "Of course!" Lana exclaimed. "The Legend!" None of the others really knew what the Legend was about, only that it spoke of the Game World's darkest hour. "In the Darkest Hour of the Universe, a young warrior from another world shall be brought forth to save two dimensions from Evil! He shall be known as the Hero! Evil will fear his name, and Darkness will retreat when he battles!" "Behold, the Great Warp!!!" With that, the entire room waas filled with light, and everything went white. "Kevin, I though I told you to clean up your room!" "In a minute mom!" Kevin Hayland yelled back. He was blasting his way through one of his games, Metroid, and was shooting several tubish devices. "Come on, where's that Mother Brain?!" he blasted through the last of the tubes, and saw his enemy. "There you are!" Suddenly, the screen went to static, and Kevin jumped up. "Oh no! Shelli! You better not have pulled the power cord again!" he yelled, and he jumped back as he saw a chamber that had a large fist hovering above the ground. "What the..." Lightning laced out of the screen, and he watched as his hands began to break down into wireframes. "What's happening!!" He pulled away, and grabbed the power pad he had been using, his other hand grabbing a Zapper. "AAHHH!!" Lana and the others covered their eyes as the light continued to fill the chamber. "What's going on?!" Simon stared at a huge rippling energy field that appeared in the air. "What in th'e world?" The ripple seemed to be sucking in the light, and everyone watched as Kevin Hayland came falling to the ground. "OW!!" Kevin shook his head, and looked up. "What happened?" Dr. Light smiled as he walked over to the teenager. "Greetings, my name is Dr. Th..." "Dr. Light? From Megaman?! No way!" Kevin said as he got to his feet. He looked at his hands, and stared all around him. "What happened to me?! I'm a cartoon!" Lana smiled at the teenager. "Welcome to the Game World, uh, mister..." "Hayland, Kevin Hayland, from Northridge." Kevin replied, and he looked at the others. "What is this, a video game convention?" "What to do ye mean by that?" Simon asked. Kevin looked at the vampire hunter, a confused look on his face. "You're Simon Belmount, aren't you?" "Aye, of CastleVania." Simon replied. "And enemy of Dracula." Kevin looked to Megaman and Protoman next. "Megaman, and Protoman?! Now that's hard to believe." Megaman smiled. "Considering you're from another universe, it might be." The robot responded. Pit smiled at the teenager. "No, don't even guess. I'm Pit, from Angel land." "The hero of Kid Icarus." Kevin remarked. "And you two...are Link and Zelda." "From Hyrule." Link finished. "And you must be the Hero." HERO?!!! Kevin thought. He looked down at his waist, and saw a power pad and Zapper. "Oh man, what's going on?" Lana sighed as she began to explain. "Eight years ago, a warlord named Gannon from Hyrule began a war to conquer the Game World, and get the Great Warp. Three years ago, he captured my father, King Marcus, and no one's heard from my father since. I had to take the throne since I was the only child he had, and for the last three years, I've been fighting Gannon." Kevin couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Wait a minute, Gannon, from Legend of Zelda? Okay, this isn't making any sense here." "We can't expect it to make sense right away." Link replied. "Look, we've been fighting Gannon for years, and now, you've been brought to lead us to victory by the Great Warp." Kevin shook his head. "I'm sorry to disappoint you all, but I'm no hero. I'm only a high schooler who just turn sixteen a few days ago, I'm nothing special. Your, Great Warp, made some kind of a mistake. I don't mean to be rude, but I'd just like to go home." "I'm afraid that's impossible. The Warp cannot open again for another thousand years." Kevin spun around. "Who said that?" Lana sighed. "The Warp itself is alive. And I'm afraid it's right, you can't go back." Kevin shook his head. "Wait a minute, why can't I go back? I want to go home, I'm not some, superhero, I'm just a kid who plays a lot of video games." Dr. Light shok his head in dismay. "The reason you can't go back home is because the Warp can only open every one thousand year. It's a sort of saftey mechanism if you will. It's to ensure that your world doesn't find out about this universe." "So I'm stuck here for the rest of my life." Kevin dropped back to the ground, filled with sorrow. "Man, why me?" Megaman looked at the devices that were on Kevin's waist. "What are those?" Kevin looked at the game accessories, and smiled. "Just toys." He said as he pulled out the Zapper and pulled the trigger, but instead of just a click like Kevin probably expected, a brilliant red laser blasted out of the Zapper's barrel. The beam bounced off several walls before expanding it's energy and leaving blast marks on the walls. "What?! What happened to these things?!" Kevin yelled. Dr. Light walked over and examined the devices. "May I?" He took the Zapper as Kevin held it out, and the doctor loked over the gun. "It must have something to do with the energy harmonics of the Game World." Dr. Light remarked. "Come again?" Dr. Light smiled at Kevin. "I'm sorry. The Game World is much different from your world, it's laws of Nature and physics are drastically different. Apparently, when your, toys were brought throught the Barrier, they were changed into weapons."