Sailor Moon P (Pokemon) - Part 2 Ash growled and went after L without using any Pokemon. L jumped over Ash. "Hey!! You can't do that! But..If that's what you want..then so be it Kid!" he shouted spinning in midair. The trainer clothes he had on flew in all directions revealing the animal underneath. He grabbed his boomerang and stood defensively. "C'mon kid" show me what you got. Ash ran at L again. "C'mon Ash...stop's not right" yelled Misty and Brock. "Get that brat!" Seiya yelled getting a glare from Serena which shut him up right away. The fight was taking them too close to a cliff. Ash ran at L again and L moved to his side but got knocked over the side , taking Ash with him. All of both persons pokeballs spilled out onto the cliff edge and their friends quickly gathered them up before anymore damage could be done. "L!" yelled Serena. "Ash!!" yelled Ash's friends. All ran to the edge and looked over to see... L hanging to the cliff side with his claws dug in the earth. His other hand gripped ash's wrist. He grunted and dug his back feet claws into the side and began climbing up. Then he remembered he had wings so he stretched them a second then began to flap them. Soon after he landed on the edge and carefully set Ash down and backed away. He wiped sweat from his scaly forehead and waited. "Ash..wake up" said Brock. Ash opened his eyes and sat up with a groan. "" Ash said. "Call me L me L and your may have attacked me..but I'll never let anyone die with me's my job.." he told Ash before dropping in a dead faint. Serena caught him before he hit the ground. "What happened" shouted Seiya. "Nothing..he's tired is all" said Serena. They took him to an abandoned cabin nearby and waited for L to wake up. ______________________________________________________________________________ Hey..finally took me long enough to write more eh? Well anywho..I do not own sailor moon or Pokemon, I only own L so that makes him © me. Send comments to my E-mail. I like getting ‘em. Bye now ~Atrea