I want to get all of the television episodes novelized and put on this site. I want to focus on getting novelizations of "When Mother Brain Rules" and the Season 3 episodes done first, since those episodes aren't on DVD. Here is a list of all of the episodes that still need to be novelized. If there is a name next to the episode, then that episode has already been taken.
The Legend of Zelda
The Ringer
Sing For the Unicorn
Kiss'N Tell
Fairies In the Spring
Underworld Connections
The White Knight
Stinging a Stinger
Hitch In the Works
That Sinking Feeling
Captain N: The Game Master
Season 1
The Most Dangerous Game Master
Mega Trouble For Megaland
Wishful Thinking
Three Men and a Dragon
Nightmare On Mother Brain's Street
Simon the Ape-Man
In Search of the King
Metroid Sweet Metroid
Happy Birthday, Megaman
Season 2
Quest For the Potion of Power
The Trouble With Tetris
Once Upon a Time Machine
The Feud of Faxanadu
Having a Ball
The Trojan Dragon
I Wish I Was A Wombatman
The Lost City of Kongoland
The Invasion of the Paper Pedalers
Germ Wars
When Mother Brain Rules (version 1)
When Mother Brain Rules (version 2)
Season 3
Misadventures In Robin Hood Woods
Pursuit of the Magic Hoop
Return To Castlevania
The Fractured Fantasy of Captain N
If you have a complete copy of a full version of a Zelda or Captain N episode, and you would like to novelize it, please
e-mail me and let me know or just go ahead and send me the novelization.