Captain N was under the title "Capitan N y los Amos del Juego", which
translates to something like "Captain N and the Game Master". Apparently,
Captain N is not the Game Master!
Yamil Atala was Kevin, Maria Fernanda Morales was Princess Lana, and Araceli
de Leon was Kid Icarus.
Zelda was under the title "La Leyenda de Zelda", which is accurate. Jorge Roig Jr. was Link, Rocio Garcel was Princess Zelda, Herman Lopez was Ganon, Patricia Acevedo was Hadita (Spryte?), and Esteban Siller was King Harkinian.
Here's some sounds from the Spanish version of "HOW'S BAYOU":
Dr. Wily
the dance scene
Mega Man, Lana, and Simon
Mother Brain
King Hippo and Eggplant Wizard
ending credits
Here are the Italian theme song lyrics and the English translation:
Videogame, videogame, ci giochiamo tutti quanti,
tra gli sfidanti c'è chi vincerà.
Videogame, videogame, passatempo entusiasmante,
più emozionante con una novità.
E' davvero esilarante essere lì, dentro al gioco,
Dentro al gioco.
Se hai la stoffa del campione gioca un po' così, nel videogame,
Nel videogame!
Un videogioco per Kevin, davvero speciale, che vi allontana dalla realtà.
Un videogioco per Kevin, il più eccezionale, per far sognare chi ce la fa.
Bisogna stare ancora più attenti.
Tra mille insidie l'avventura vola e va.
E' un osso duro per i concorrenti.
Che videogame, videogame!
Un videogioco per Kevin, davvero speciale, che vi allontana dalla realtà.
Un videogioco per Kevin, il più eccezionale, e quest'avventura vola e va!
Videogames, videogames, everybody plays them,
among the challengers there is the one who will win.
Videogames, videogames, exciting hobby,
more exciting with an innovation.
It is really exilarating to be there, inside the game,
Inside the game.
If you can be a champion play a bit like that, in the videogame,
In the videogame!
A videogame for Kevin, really special, that gets you away from the reality.
A videogame for Kevin, the most amazing, to make the winner dream.
You must be even more careful.
Among a thousand dangers the adventure flies away.
It's a hard work for the players.
What a videogame, videogame!
A videogame for Kevin, really special, that gets you away from the reality.
A videogame for Kevin, the most amazing, and this adventure flies away!
Here's an MP3 of the theme song!
Nintendo Magasinet cover 1
Nintendo Magasinet cover 2
The Happy Zone 1
The Happy Zone 2
In order to make this section grow, I need contributions from people! I'd
like anyone that has watched a non-American version of Captain N or Zelda or
read a non-American version of the comic books to
e-mail me about it!
If you have any episodes on tape that differ from the American versions, and
it has a different theme song, I'd especially like a WAVE file of it.
If you can record one, please notify me ahead of time before you send it. Do
you have foreign issues of the comic books? Scans of the front covers would
be nice.