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Mmm. Let's start the ball rolling on this Enterprise slash thing,
shall we? This is only a short piece, because uni is keeping me
busy at the moment.
Disclaimer: "Star Trek: Enterprise" and the characters within are
the property of the Great Bird of the Franchise, Paramount. I
should also point out that I haven't seen Enterprise yet, as due to
temporal distortions us Aussies are still stuck at the end of
Voyager's Fifth Season. So I apologise if I haven't got the
character's personalities right.
Warning: The following contains sex between women. If this
offends you then you can always become a Paramount
Hoshi gasped, her body jerking convulsively in the Vulcan's
"Is there a problem, Ensign Sato?" T'Pol somehow managed to
convey her exasperation in a single raised eyebrow. Her hands
ceased their movement.
"'s quite...pleasant. Don't stop, for God's sake!"
T'Pol resumed soaking the decontamination fluid over the Asian
woman's lithe young form. As usual the human was responding
in a highly undisciplined manner, moaning and shuddering
every time the subcommander's hands slid over the erogenous
areas which, from Sato's continual small cries, appeared to
consist of her entire body. They were ruled by their emotions,
this species. An alliance with such a people at this immature
stage in their development was highly illogical. Unfortunately
with the rate they were expanding into space it was also
She felt the stirrings of emotion in herself as the human
female's hand slid up the length of her thigh to the junction of her
legs. Stimulation from the nerves clustered there caused a not-
unpleasant feeling to run through T'Pol's body. She applied the
discipline, detaching her mind from the sensation, recognising it
for what it was – mere electrical signals to the brain designed to
elicit a physiological response. She coldly identified and
catalogued her feelings of attraction for Ensign Sato, the illicit
pleasure from the alien's touch, the redirection of blood that was
swelling the clitoris and mammillae.
'The feelings do not control me. I am in control of them. They
are shadows, whispers without substance or form.'
Ensign Sato however, had appeared to have lost all control,
gripping the Vulcan's hand tightly and working it between her
legs even though T'Pol had already thoroughly decontaminated
that area at Sato's insistence. For a fraction of a second T'Pol
considered using her greater strength to break free, but a more
logical approach was to bring this to a conclusion as quickly as
possible. Sliding her other hand around behind Sato's back she
gently but firmly inserted her index finger between the cheeks of
the human woman's buttocks, seeking out the areas that would
create the most stimulation. Despite some differences between
their species the basic human physiology was the same as her
own, a logical suppostion verified by the gasp in response to her
caresses. Working the index fingers on each hand in concert,
T'Pol applied the Sok-te-Na technique without the usual
restraint, bringing Ensign Sato to climax quickly, her whole body
shuddering and saying Oh-oh-OH!-AH! as the alien's mindspill
filled her head for a brief second thoughts of the human's
unrestrained joy in her own pleasure bring distasteful memories
of the pon farr and T'Pol disengaged herself as soon as it was
polite to do so.
Ensign Sato dropped to her knees on the wet floor as if in
supplication. "Oh GOD, that was so good!"
It confused the subcommander momentarily, until T'Pol realised
that the human had not suddenly decided to worship her. She
turned to the controls and adjusted them, lowering the
temperature of the water. It would be uncomfortable for her as a
Vulcan, but it should cool the enthusiasm of Ensign Sato, seeing
as her mental discipline was so poor. "In future, Ensign, you will
learn to control yourself during this procedure."
"What's wrong, don't they have sex on VulcARRRRGH!!" Hoshi
yelled, jumping to her feet as the spray of cold water hit her
naked body.
T'Pol thought that that would be the end of the matter, but when
the dryers switched on Ensign Sato persisted in her impolite line
of questioning. "So, how do they go about sex on your planet?
There wasn't anything on the database on Vulcan mating
T'Pol turned her back on the human.
"Hey, I didn't mean to offend__"
T'Pol walked out of Decontam without answering.
The young ensign stared after her. Unusual. You'd think they'd
be like computers, with their emphasis on logic. But there were
obviously still hidden depths to the beautiful Vulcan. A telepath,
what would it be like to make love to her? To know instantly the
effect of your caresses; of theirs on your own body.
She was looking forward to finding out. And she had a few tricks
of her own in her repertoire. She was a pretty cunning `linguist'
after all.
It was an old joke, but it still made Hoshi grin.