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This section is completely devoted to covering "appearances" of Captain N
and The Legend of Zelda in magazines, books, and on TV.
Nintendo Power, Volume 7 - July / August 1989
This article previews "The Super Mario Bros. Super Show" and "The Legend of
Zelda" segment.
Nintendo Power, Volume 8
This is where we first got a glimpse of Kevin Keene, Princess Lana, Mother
Brain, Mega Man, and Duke! Notice the differences between the article and
the show. The show is called "Captain N: Game Master". Videoland is called
Nintendoland. The Ultimate Warp Zone is referred to as "the Power of the
Orb". Also, Kid Icarus was originally going to be called by his game name,
Pit. The "N" on Kevin's jacket is yellow. Lana has her power scepter! Why'd
they take that out?! There's also mention of the Forces of Light and
the League of Darkness. It seems as though the comic books included most of
the stuff that the TV series rejected! Good for them! Also, this article
establishes that Kevin is 15 years old in Season 1, just like I guessed!
NBC Comic Book Advertisement - 1989
This is a 2-page ad for the "all-new" Saturday morning line-up in the Fall of 1989.
Super Play, Issue 35 - September 1995
Trivia questions asked in a British gaming mag. Answer to # 2 not required. 
Game Players, Issue 77 - November 1995
A gamer writes to the mag using the alias "Captain N".
Super Play
A short Zelda article in a British RPG fanzine. Scan needed.
Nintendo Power, Volume 100
Captain N and Zelda are mentioned by a reader in the PLAYER'S PULSE section.
The letter is called "On the Tube".
If George Gumpert is reading this right now, please
Nintendo Power, Volume 104
Someone asks Dan Owsen what happened to Captain N. Dark Dan gives a phony
Nintendo Power, Volume 110
Captain N is mentioned in the 10th Anniversary timeline. However, they made
a huge mistake! They list Captain N as starting in September of 1990! Also,
there is no mention of "The Legend of Zelda" TV series or Nintendo Comics
In order to make this section grow, I need
from people!
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