I've updated the Stuff I Need section with 1 more item regarding comic book information, and I added to the list of scans that I now have. Please see if you can help me!
I've updated the Zelda Comics, Nintendo Comics System, Nintendo Comics System Featuring..., and The Best of the Nintendo Comics System sections with some more info, grammatic and capitalization corrections, and novelizations of "THE NORTH PALACE" and "the Perfect Date"!
I've updated the Stuff I Need section with 2 more items regarding comic book information. Please see if you can help me!
I have a new e-mail address: kevinkeene@hotmail.com. I will update all of the sections to reflect that when I have the time.
The MP3s and pictures are still there. Left-click on the links, and you'll find them. I'll update the links when I have the time.
I've created a new Captain N mailing list on eGroups as an alternative to the message board, which is getting too big. Go ahead and join now!
I fixed the warps to the graphics on the Entrance page.
I took down the About Me section. From now on, you can find stuff about me on my personal page, which you can get to from the main page or main frames page. I updated the warp to The Captain N Fan Fiction Home Page, since it's moved.
I got rid of the Movie Ideas section, since it's tiresome to update.
I got rid of the Videoland Webring, since it's too much for me to maintain.
I got rid of the Webrings This Site Has Joined section.
After all those deletions, now for an addition:
I updated the Soundtrack CD Project section. It's getting close!
I added more movie ideas.
I added more movie ideas.
I got rid of the TV Series Survey. First of all, I lost the list of all who had filled it out when my hard drive crashed, so I won't be able to tell if someone has already filled it out. Second, I'm trying to decrease the work I have to do on this site.
I added more movie ideas.
I got rid of the online petition in the campaign section. First of all, I lost all the previous signatures when my hard drive crashed. Second, I'm trying to decrease the work I have to do on this site. I also got rid of the campaign fragment.
I added more movie ideas.
The first batch of Captain N movie ideas are in!
I put up a new Captain N Movie Ideas section!
I added an MP3 of the Italian Captain N theme song, and the lyrics, to the ForeigN section!
I updated the Credits section.
I put up novelizations of Season 1's "MR. AND MRS. MOTHER BRAIN" and Parts 1 and 2 of "QUEST FOR THE POTION OF POWER" as they aired in Season 3! Get to them from the Captain N Episode Guide! Since this episode has been novelized, I removed it from the Episode Novelizations Project.
I updated the novelizations of "TOTALLY TETRISIZED", "COLD SPELLS", and "THE MISSING LINK".
I put up a novelization of "COLD SPELLS"! Get to it from the Zelda Episode Guide! Since this episode has been novelized, I removed it from the Episode Novelizations Project.
I updated my explanation of the error in the scene showing Kevin on Earth in version 2 of "HOW'S BAYOU".
I updated my list of comic books in the About Me section.
Before I get to the updates, though, I'd like to tell you what I did on my summer vacation. First, on Sunday, May 23, at 1:30 PM, I saw "The Phantom Menace", the new Star Wars film. It was okay. In addition to "A New Hope" on TV, that's exactly 2 Star Wars films that I've seen. To tell you the truth, I don't see what all the hype is about. Other than the special effects, it seemed like an ordinary sci-fi / fantasy flick to me. On Tuesday, May 25, at 9:49 AM, I bought a Tengen Tetris cartridge at the Ocala Kmart! At 10:41 AM, I bought my first Beast Wars: Transformers toy, Fuzor Maximal Bantor, at the Ocala Toys 'R' Us! On Wednesday, July 7, at 7:55 AM, I finally saw version 1 of "HOW'S BAYOU"! More on this below. On Saturday, July 24, at 2:55 PM, I saw "Inspector Gadget"! I also got into "The Punisher" comic books over the summer! More on this later. Now for the updates.
Site Split:
First the biggest update. Following Mandi Paugh's example, I have split this site into two separate sites! This site deals with the TV series, the comic books, and my theories on them. The new site covers fan material. It's known as The Captain N Fan Fiction Home Page. I decided to split the site for 5 reasons:
1) With the amount of fan fiction growing nearly every week, I'll soon run out of space on this site. By moving all the fan material to a new site, I can free up room on this site.
2) By splitting the site in two, the new site will handle the fan material, leaving this site to cover only the TV series and comic books. This will please those fans that dislike the fan-written stories.
3) With the fan material on its own site, I can greatly expand it!
4) By moving all the fan material to a new site, there will be less links on this site. Newcomers won't be as overwhelmed with the amount of content.
5) Some people are confused by the fan-written episodes and think they're actually episodes of the TV series that were never filmed! I kid you not.
So, I split the site in two. Unlike what Mandi Paugh did, however, I did not put the two sites on the same server. This site is on Tripod. The other site is on GeoCities.
New E-mail Address:
On Wednesday, June 30, 1999, I noticed that my old e-mail account had been deactivated! The 100+ messages I had received so far, but hadn't saved or replied to, were lost forever! I had to go through every page of this site and update my e-mail address. Please e-mail me at my new address from now on.
I took down the Captain N64 vs Captain N 64 survey. There's really no reason for it. I only put it up cuz Chris Blair wanted me to. So, it's gone.
Site-specific updates:
On Tuesday, May 11, at 11:16:08 AM, I bought a new CD at the Wal-Mart Supercenter: Chart Toppers - Dance Hits of the 80s! Also, on Saturday, May 22, in the early afternoon, my friend, Mike Rohm, made an '80s CD for me! On Friday, June 4, shortly after 8:00 AM, I bought another CD, Gotham's Greatest Themes, at the flea market by my house. On Saturday, June 19, at 1:53 PM, I bought yet another CD, the "Grease" movie soundtrack, at the flea market. On, Wednesday, June 23, at 10:16 AM, I bought the "Ghostbusters" soundtrack at Camelot Music! On Friday, June 25, in the early afternoon, Mike made a Base Wars soundtrack CD for me! I also found 4 CDs I forgot to add before. So, I added all of them to the list of CDs I own in the About Me section. I also added track listings for all of my CDs. I also added to my list of favorite shows still in production and my list of favorite canceled or retired shows. I moved "Home Improvement", "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine", "Millennium", and "Sons of Thunder" from the former list to the latter, since they're over. I added to my lists of favorite animated series and movies. I added a list of all the comic books I own and the epic story of how I got into "The Punisher". Finally, I added a short "Beast Wars: Transformers" story I wrote called "Waspinator's Bath Time". Enjoy!
I updated the Credits section.
I added 4 new quotes to the main page: 2 from "THE LOST CITY OF KONGOLAND", 1 from "GERM WARS", and 1 from "BATTLE OF THE BASEBALL KNOW-IT-ALLS".
TV series updates:
I updated the novelization of version 2 of "HOW'S BAYOU".
I updated the novelization of "THE BIG GAME".
I updated the Music Listing & Lyrics section.
I put up novelizations of version 1 of "HOW'S BAYOU" and the canonical version of "HOW'S BAYOU"! Get to them from the Captain N Episode Guide!
Because certain episodes have been novelized, they have been removed from the Episode Novelizations Project.
I updated the TV Series Timeline.
I usually don't list this update, but I haven't done it in quite a while, so I'll tell you. The TV Series Survey votes are updated! I also added 3 more video worlds to the list: Punch-Out, Ninja's World, and Polo World. I doubt they would've had much effect on the votes if I had added them in earlier. If you voted after May 1st, please vote again, because I never got your votes.
I added more items to Simon's Backpack. All the episodes have now been checked! Also, I sorted all the items by episode.
I added a list of errors in "THE RINGER", "COLD SPELLS", "THE MISSING LINK", "VIDEOLYMPICS", "MEGA TROUBLE FOR MEGALAND", "WISHFUL THINKING", "SIMON THE APE-MAN", "QUEST FOR THE POTION OF POWER", "THE LOST CITY OF KONGOLAND", and "GERM WARS", and added more errors in "THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME MASTER", "IN SEARCH OF THE KING", and "THE BIG GAME". I got rid of the ball of light error in "KEVIN IN VIDEOLAND", since I've decided it's not an error.
Comic book updates:
I updated the Comic Book Character Profiles.
I added the new Comic Book Timeline!