2005 - 2006
12/18/06 - 11:09 PM
I added more info on the upcoming DVD release. See above.
12/16/06 - 11:02 PM
I added more info on the upcoming DVD release. See above.
Now that we know that most of the original NBC episode teasers will not be included on the DVD set, they must be found and preserved! There are some on YouTube, and I have some that I will eventually share on YouTube, but a lot of them are unaccounted for. If you have an NBC episode teaser, please contact me!
12/08/06 - 4:38 PM
The Captain N Season 3 review is up. Season 3 is now completely reviewed! Enjoy!
12/06/06 - 5:13 PM
There is a new Captain N episode review up: "The Fractured Fantasy of Captain N". Enjoy!
12/04/06 - 1:24 PM
There is a new Captain N episode review up: "Battle of the Baseball Know-It-Alls". Enjoy!
12/01/06 - 10:17 PM
There is a new Captain N episode review up: "A Tale of Two Dogs". Enjoy!
12/01/06 - 10:52 AM
There is a new Captain N episode review up: "Totally Tetrisized". Enjoy!
11/30/06 - 10:00 PM
There are 2 new Captain N episode reviews up: "Pursuit of the Magic Hoop" and "Return To Castlevania". Enjoy!
11/27/06 - 1:22 PM
The final DVD cover art has been approved. Go to the link in the news bulletin above to see it!
There is a new Captain N episode review up: "Misadventures In Robin Hood Woods". Enjoy!
11/13/06 - 6:23 PM
The Captain N Season 2 review is up. Season 2 is now completely reviewed! Enjoy!
11/03/06 - 10:50 PM
I added 19 new animation cells to The Picture Gallery! Enjoy!
11/01/06 - 10:47 PM
I added more info on the upcoming DVD release and a link to Amazon's page. See above.
11/01/06 - 5:21 PM
I added some info regarding Mike Vincent to the Behind the Scenes section.
I added a new section called Videos On YouTube. In this section, I will provide links to as many Captain N and Zelda videos on YouTube as I can find. Start watching!
10/18/06 - 5:13 PM
Using the new scanner that I got for my birthday, I was able to add a 2-page advertisement that NBC took out in comic books to advertise their Saturday morning line-up for the Fall of 1989 in the Mentions section. Enjoy!
10/09/06 - 7:14 PM
There are 2 new Captain N episode reviews up: "Germ Wars" and "When Mother Brain Rules". Enjoy!
10/07/06 - 3:05 PM
There is a new Captain N episode review up: "The Feud of Faxanadu". Enjoy!
10/06/06 - 8:22 PM
There are 2 new Captain N episode reviews up: "The Lost City of Kongoland" and "Once Upon a Time Machine. Enjoy!
10/05/06 - 11:23 PM
There is a new Captain N episode review up: "The Trojan Dragon". Enjoy!
09/29/06 - 5:24 PM
There is a new Captain N episode review up: "The Big Game". Enjoy!
09/27/06 - 4:18 PM
I added more info and speculation on the upcoming DVD release. See above.
There is a new Captain N episode review up: "The Trouble With Tetris". Enjoy!
09/22/06 - 11:53 PM
There is a new Captain N episode review up: "Having a Ball". Enjoy!
09/15/06 - 5:24 PM
I added more info and speculation on the upcoming DVD release. See above.
09/13/06 - 7:52 PM
I fixed the countdown clock. :P
09/13/06 - 7:40 PM
Oh, just read the headline at the top of the page. ^_^
09/09/06 - 8:54 AM
Happy 17th Anniversary, Captain N!
I deleted some unnecessary code from the most recent news archive.
I updated the FAQ by getting rid of the fanfic-related questions and updating some of the answers.
I updated the warp to the Kid Icarus Shrine and The Mega Man Home Page in the Warp Zone. I also removed the outdated warp to NES TIMES, which seems to be gone.
I updated the warp to Kelly Harris' and Jeffrey Scott's sites in the Ultimate Warp Zone. I also renamed the Beast Wars warp to a Transformers warp to reflect the expanded content of the site. I also updated the warp to the BraveStarr site (which may or may not be the same site). I changed the warp for The Online Freedom Federation to Locutus.com, which is the new site. I also removed the warps to the Buffy, Dragnet, Devo, and Bruce Lee sites; The Captain James T. Kirk Sing-a-long Page; Data Goes Out On The Town; Jim's Midi Links; The Jive Page!; The Clickable JiveGuy; and Yahoo!'s Television and Anime Fan Fiction categories, which seem to be gone. Finally, I moved the warp for The Lost Castlevania Legend to the Warp Zone, which is a more appropriate place for it (being video game-related and all). I dunno why I ever put it in the Ultimate Warp Zone. :P
I removed the WinMX section. WinMX is no longer operating. I removed the warps from the main page and the Table of Contents. I plan to put the Music Archive back up soon.
I removed the The Captain N & Zelda TV Series Campaign section. It's rather pointless to try to get either series on television now, especially since "The Legend of Zelda" is available on DVD, and Captain N is presumably coming to DVD sometime in the near future. I removed the warps from the main page and the Table of Contents.
I cleaned up the Zelda comics section, removing long-outdated warps to the long-gone Scans section.
I cleaned up the Captain N comics section, removing long-outdated warps to the long-gone Scans section.
I cleaned up the Nintendo Comics System Featuring... section, removing a long-outdated warp to the long-gone Scans section.
I cleaned up the Stories In Other Series section, removing a long-outdated warp to the long-gone Scans section.
I recategorized the Humor section under Fandom, since that's a more fitting place for it than General.
I removed the Rumors section, since that's so obscure that it really doesn't need to be on the site.
08/08/06 - 12:38 PM
There is a new Captain N episode review up: "Quest For the Potion of Power". Enjoy!
06/16/06 - 5:14 PM
There is a new Captain N episode review up: "Queen of the Apes". Enjoy!
06/12/06 - 8:40 PM
There are 6 new Zelda reviews up: "Stinging a Stinger", "Hitch In the Works", "Fairies In the Spring", "The Missing Link", "The Moblins Are Revolting", and a review of the entire animated series. This entire Zelda animated series has now been reviewed. I'll be returning to doing Captain N episode reviews now - as well as starting Zelda comic book reviews.
05/16/06 - 10:25 PM
There is a new Zelda review up: "Underworld Connections".
05/06/06 - 5:04 PM
I added 21 new screen captures to The Picture Gallery: 21 from "The Fractured Fantasy of Captain N"! Enjoy!
04/12/06 - 6:28 PM
Here's an odd little update: uploaded a low-quality (600 KB) MP3 of "Return To Castlevania", mostly for the people at The CastleVania Dungeon. Enjoy!
03/28/06 - 8:54 PM
I have given a long-overdue update to the Home Video Releases section by adding info on 3 Zelda DVD releases (the complete set and 2 single discs) and Volume 1 of "The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!", which came out today!
Now for some big news. I wanted to avoid posting anything on this site until there was a fair amount of certainty, but it now looks like The Shout! Factory (the company that is behind the Zelda and Mario DVD releases) is planning to release the first two seasons of "Captain N: The Game Master" on DVD later this year! This is the biggest Captain N news in years! No specifics as to the contents are available yet, but information on fan desires is being collected by a person from the company that's involved in the production of the boxed set. If you want to contribute your suggestions, please go to this thread at Ultimate N Zone.
03/17/06 - 1:34 AM
I added 18 new animation cells to The Picture Gallery! Enjoy!
03/15/06 - 12:00 PM
I added 59 new screen captures to The Picture Gallery: 28 from "I Wish I Was a Wombatman", 1 from "When Mother Brain Rules", 30 from "Battle of the Baseball Know-It-Alls"! Enjoy!
02/19/06 - 12:35 AM
I added 84 new screen captures to The Picture Gallery: 6 from "Three Men and a Dragon", 25 from "Wishful Thinking", 31 from "Gameboy", 22 from "The Trouble With Tetris"! Enjoy!
02/17/06 - 1:45 PM
I added 11 new animation cells to The Picture Gallery! Enjoy!
02/17/06 - 1:34 AM
I added a new category, Animation Cells, to The Picture Gallery. It's Kevin from "Mega Trouble For Megaland" against a background from "Wishful Thinking". Enjoy! Credit will be added within the next few days, since I'll be cleaning up the Credits section.
02/15/06 - 11:31 AM
Oh, I forgot to add a brief, non-content update. I e-mailed Tripod on Saturday the 11th to yet again request that the site at its old, hacked location, http://ucnhp.tripod.com, be taken down, and, as of early this morning (when I checked), they have! Hooray! There are no longer 2 versions of this site online! Now that this is the only location of The Unofficial Captain N Home Page, people shouldn't be confused.
02/15/06 - 11:24 AM
There are 2 new Zelda reviews up. They are episodes 6 and 7, "That Sinking Feeling" and "Doppelganger".
01/15/06 - 12:38 PM
Here's my summary of 2005.
2005 was slow, but there were more additions than in 2004. I added only 4 new episode reviews - 1 for Captain N and 3 for Zelda. The origin of Captain N was revealed. In total, 60.5 KB of new information was added to this site.
I promise to do more in 2006. When I get my computer and Captain N tapes here, I'll be able to do more episode reviews and add more screen captures. I'll also add things to other sections of the site.
There are 2 new Zelda reviews up. They are episodes 4 and 5, "Kiss'N Tell" and "Sing For the Unicorn".
01/09/06 - 12:30 AM
Happy New Year!
To start off 2006, I've added Disco Duck's current e-mail address to Disco Duck's Video Game Reviews. If you've been wanting to tell him what you think, now you can!
12/14/05 - 12:43 AM
There are 2 new reviews up. The first is the Captain N episode, "The Invasion of the Paper Pedalers". The second is episode 3 of Zelda, "The White Knight".
Expect more Zelda episode reviews in the coming days, since I seem to be pretty fast at writing them.
11/21/05 - 11:13 PM
There's a major discovery regarding the origins of Captain N, and you'll find it exclusively on The Unofficial Captain N Home Page. I was recently contacted by Randy Studdard, a former editor at "Nintendo Power" magazine. He provided the link between the "Captain Nintendo" story that appeared in "Nintendo Power" and the Captain N cartoon series. Read this exclusive in the Behind the Scenes section! =)
I also edited the "Captain Nintendo" and "Friends" section of the Miscellaneous section to reflect this new information.
Now, we need to find out who altered the Captain Nintendo concept for television!
10/30/05 - 11:24 PM
Well, I went ahead and bought "The Legend of Zelda: The Complete Animated Series" on DVD. I also wrote reviews of episodes 1 and 2, "The Ringer" and "Cold Spells". I wrote them based on the novelizations that Kelly Lea Harris had done for the site, though, and that's where I took the quotes for the Great Lines section from. After watching the first 4 episodes yesterday, I realized that she had gotten some of the dialogue wrong - just so you know. I also added options to e-mail me for each review.
I went through the site and updated my e-mail address on almost every page. So, if you'd tried to e-mail me before, and the message bounced back, you can e-mail me now. I'm sorry that this happened. I was negligent.
I added Comic Books and Video Games categories to the Ultimate Warp Zone and added warps to Spirit of Supergirl, The Betty Cooper FAQ, and The Lost Castlevania Legend. Check them out! =)
10/13/05 - 9:23 PM
Bad news: My mom doesn't want me to buy any DVDs for now, so, unless I can rent them, I won't be able to review the Zelda cartoon episodes. Look for updates to other sections of the site soon.
10/05/05 - 6:51 PM
Big news: I've moved to Chicago. Therefore, all time stamps for site updates will now be in Central Time.
I'm currently living with my sister. Until my parents move up here with the rest of my stuff, and we get our own house, don't expect any screen captures. I did bring this entire site plus 2 episodes on a CD, so look for a couple of episode reviews soon. Also, as noted above, the entire "The Legend of Zelda" cartoon series will be released on DVD on October 18 (my birthday!), so look for episode reviews of those as well.
09/08/05 - 12:06 PM
It's okay! This site's not dead! What happened was that the frameless main page and the Table of Contents for the frames version were deleted from the server due to virus infections. I have now re-uploaded them, virus-free, making the site accessible again. A big thank you to Laurie Kelley for telling me about this! Also, the episodes, reviews, and sounds directories have been re-uploaded. Then seem to had been deleted. So, the episode novelizations, the reviews, and the MIDIs are back up!
As for future updates, I've captured 6 more Season 2 episodes to my hard drive, so episode comparisons should be starting up again soon! Yay!
I will slowly be going through outdated sections of this site and updating them. Look forward to it!
04/18/05 - 11:52 PM
Here's my summary of 2004.
2004 was a slower year for this site. I updated the Naming Conventions. I overhauled the Fan Fiction section. I added only 1 new episode review. I added 29 new screen captures. I added 1 new commentary.
I promise to do more in 2005. When I get a permanent VCR in my room, I'll be able to do more episode reviews. I'll also add things to other sections of the site.
Still, 2004 was a big year for Captain N. There's a new site, Ultimate Warp Zone. There's a warp to it in the Warp Zone section. There's also a warp to the corresponding forum, which I'm a member of, Ultimate N Zone. Join us in discussing Captain N! I also got rid of 4 dead warps. Finally, I replaced the form for submitting a new site with my brand new e-mail address! Until I can get all of the pages on the site updated with my new address, please e-mail me from the Warp Zone section.
03/19/05 - 1:07 AM
Whoa! An update! Yes, I have returned! I'm sorry that I haven't updated in over half a year. I've been busy with anime, video games, and other fandoms. There have been some significant Captain N developments (fandom only; don't get excited), which I'll get to in the next update, which won't take nearly as long as this last one. :P
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